Saturday, October 8, 2011

I have become what I hate

Let me tell you a little about my day so far. It's been a very short day, seeing that it's only 9:35am. However more has happened to me in this time that in the past few days combined.

I know, right?
As some of you may know, I suffer from knee pain. I've been to many doctors, none of which were able to diagnose me properly. Last January, I went to a doctor in Munich who told me my feet were flat (apparently there is meant to be some sort of arc in the foot) and this pulled some muscles in my legs which then again pulled some muscles in my knee, which then caused the pain. I wanted to call "bullshit" but since this was the first diagnosis I've ever had, I gladly accepted it. With this, I was required to wear inlays and go to a massage therapist.

Yeah... I wish
Now, this leads us to a week ago. I was playing volleyball and as a pretty strong attacker, I was spiking a lot. Which requires jumping. Which requires knees. Healthy knees. Which I don't have. As you can probably guess, I was in pain again. I have, however grown quite accustomed to the pain in my knee after volleyball. It's been a very regular occurrence. After every game, every training I've had pain in my knee for about two days, at the most.

This time, however, we had a game. And the pain still hasn't gone away (a week later.) So last Thursday I went to volleyball, even though I had still a little pain in my knees. I did half an hour of a game again the girls team so they could get some practice, and I was in excruciating pain. I left after only half an hour and since all the Asperin was gone, I grabbed the next best pain killer – whiskey.

So where does that leave me now, and why have I become what I hate? Well let me tell you about today.

I went to the doctors bright and early and was seen before my appointment at 9 am. The doctor did an ultrasound of my knee and since he could find anything (surprise, surprise) he sent me off to get an x-ray. After I was shot three times, I went back to the doctor who said everything looks normal

So why am I in excruciating pain? Well, voice in my head, the doctor did have a theory. He said, since my kneecaps look find and my bone structure is impeccable the only problem could be the cartilage between the kneecap and the bone. Maybe some had broken off, or worn off or whatever. Either way, he said he wants me to get an MRI. That way he can say for sure if I need surgery (which is very unlikely) or some other treatment.

So. I now have an appointment for Monday to get an MRI.

Now, James, to answer your question of becoming what I hate. I was meant to meet with a friend at the airport, where I went to the doctors. When I called him after I had finished with my doctor, I woke him up. He had overslept and was meant to be at least ready to leave by the time I called. Oh well, now I am waiting for him and we'll probably go to Subway or something similar for lunch.

But now, while I am waiting, I am sitting in a Starbucks, sipping on an Earl Grey tee writing a blog on my Apple computer. I have become... that guy. I really want to start working on a story idea I am thinking of, but I think that will just solidify the stereotype if I open a wordprocessor or my screenwriting software. 

Thursday, October 6, 2011


Well, the website is online. It's actually been online for a couple of days now, but I've been correcting quite a lot of the bugs for the last couple of days. Everything should be working now.

I've had a very, very bad case of procrastination going on this past two weeks. In that time, I have only managed to make the website. Even though I have quite a lot of other stuff to do, including finalizing my job hunt, my thesis and a correction of a businessplan. I really shouldn't have time to hang around doing nothing, but I just can't get myself to do anything. I guess I really just need to buck up and get down to it. Maybe it's because I don't have a direct deadline for anything, but I just can't inspire myself to get anything done.

Other than that, what's really annoying me, is that I haven't written anything for a really long time. Since I wrote the script for My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic I haven't written a single thing. This adds to the whole low self esteem I've been having for the last couple of weeks. Maybe I just need to start another television script. Maybe just write another My Little Pony script... Either way, I need something creative to do and soon.